6 Reasons Why Land Assemblies Make More Cents by Geraldine Santiago
Land assembly is a growing trend in and around metro Vancouver. If you are not sure if land assembly is perfect for your property sale, here are some reasons why you should consider it:
Tear down: Your house and the improvements on your property have little or almost no value to it. In essence, it is a ‘tear down’. Even if you spend money on a renovation to fix a bathroom or kitchen, it is better off selling the land for its value than to do a small renovation.
Finances: If you don’t have the money or the energy to attempt to upgrade, renovate or fix your property, you are already stretched too much financially, you might want to think of selling your home as a land assembly. The cost to repair, replace the sysems on your improvements might be even more of a financial burden.
Irregular sized lot: If you have a property that is either too skinny or you have an irregular shaped lot, that is difficult to build on, selling your land assembly can give you a higher property valuation.
One storey bungalow: If you have a small, one storey bungalow on your property and in your neighbourhood properties are being built with two or three storey homes, your property is not utilizing its best and highest use. Therefore, you will definitely attract builders. If it is a ‘stand alone’ sale, however, where you are not selling with your neighbours, you will not get as much money as you would if you sold with your neighbours on the block.
Lot size: In land assembly, it is your lot size is a tremendous factor. If you have a huge lot, selling your home as a land assembly with your neighbours can truly give you an edge in getting a higher value.
Commercial district: If your next door neighbour is in a CD commercial district, and you are in a residential zone, this is another reason why you should consider selling your home as a land assembly.
If you are a homeowner thinking about selling your home as a land assembly, our seminar on September 8, 2018 at the RE/MAX Crest office from 11-1pm with industry experts will enlighten you on the process, the cost, timelines and more! To pre-register, go to www.landassembly.me
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